Catalog and Email Circulation Done Right
We are Experts in Circulation Planning and KSSI has the Tools to Make You One Too!
Better Tools, No Mistakes, More Profits
Catalogs have been around a long time, and today they are still an important part of a multi-channel retail strategy. Customers acquired by catalogs tend to be more valuable than customers acquired through other channels. Studies have shown they more often become repeat buyers and spend a higher dollar amount. KSSI has successfully worked with clients to enhance their business utilizing the catalog channel.
We are experts in the field. Why wait to call us? – KSSI has the tools you need!
Reaching Prospects & Customers
As online channels have grown, catalog circulation expertise has dwindled. To a certain extent it has become a lost art. We apply our extensive experience and use our innovative tools that utilize known best practice circulation techniques to build profitable circulation plans. For example, for one client we identified a new segmentation scheme that resulted in an average sales growth annually of 9% over the next 5 years. The result of our efforts took the client from a no growth / net loss position to a high growth profitable catalog business. They are now the leader in their industry category. KSSI can do the same for you.
Making Your Team More Productive
Excel spreadsheets are the swiss army knife of business – you can use them for any task under the sun – but should you? Use of excel in spreadsheets is tedious and outdated. Excel forces everybody to become a programmer. Why do you have to be an excellent programmer to be an analyst? Catalog circulation planning and analysis is a complex process and relying on Excel can result in multiple errors and omissions. The circulation module of KSSI’s Campaign Management solution eliminates mistakes and allows your analysts to create error free plans literally in minutes. Better yet, the best practices framework trains new circulation analysts and quickly gets them up to speed. With KSSI’s application, your organization doesn’t lose circulation experience when there is a personnel change in your organization. Why not start today – with clean and accurate data living within a very flexible and efficient framework?
Targeting Customers and Prospects More Effectively
Sometimes despite your best efforts, your catalogs just don’t seem to be working the way you need them to. This happens when you don’t know enough about your customers. What do you need to know to circulate effectively? Cost of acquisition, Long term value, effective contact strategy, and a number of other factors must be considered in your planning and campaign execution. See how KSSI’s cost-effective Marketing Database solution can turn your business around and put it on the path of profitable growth in all channels. KSSI has done this for our clients and we can do it for you as well.
Starting a Catalog from Scratch
Relying solely on paid online customer acquisition is difficult. Costs can be exceedingly high especially when you consider how much you are paying to attract your existing customers to your site. Catalogs offer a clear presentation that allows your customers and prospects to take in your assortment of products away from their devices. Consumers spend much more time perusing a catalog than clicking within your website and are more attentive while doing so. KSSI has lead the development of new catalog concepts for our customers, including strategy and circulation, to make sure the catalog gets to the most responsive prospects.
“Campaign management is the foundation of Integrated Planning – the process whereby each functional area of your business uses the same key planning data. Integrated planning is the ONLY way to effectively guide and control your business.”
– John King
Just a Few of the Brands We’ve Worked With

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